Sunday, September 30, 2012

did it!

Survived my mudrun
To be honest I am still amazed at myself for finishing, even though I walked most it,
I did the whole thing! There where some challenging parts of the course & it is as much a mental push as a physical one.
It would I am sure be ever so much easier if I wasn't carrying around this extra weight!
I saw some pictures that I will use as motivation to keep the one below.

now let me saw I am SO proud of myself for attempting & completing this endeavor...I proved to myself that I had the strength both mentally & physically to finish this sort of race.
This pic above leaves me with mixed feelings however.
On one hand it was one of the obstacles I was dreading & I totally pushed through my fear of heights & climbed the heck out of that thing!
(hence the hi five my bestie is getting ready to give me)
then there is seeing a backside view of my whole body with clothes clinging to any & all of my extra weight. That is just not a pretty look to me.
There is one after I fell crossing the finish line that is just about the most unflattering angle & pose a person could be in already, never mind be covered in mud that makes me cringe!
But then I what?
I put myself out there, I did it.
The goal is next year
(oh yes we are doing this again!)
that I will look and perform better!
So, I am going to celebrate even the pics I hate like the couple above as this whole experience made me:
more motivated
and more accepting of my own flaws
the bottom line is the experience was the best time I have ever had with my best friend
and I can't wait to do it all over again next year!
Who in?