I just don't think we take enough time to tell those in our lives just how very important they are to us.
So, this is me taking a moment to pen a lil love note to some of the most special people in my life.
First off let me say I am truly blessed with some amazing girlfriends. Most of us have one "best" friend. I am lucky enough to have 3 of them...along with some just flat out amazing friends on top of that!
We met at different stages of life, been through lots of events; both good & bad and I see us being a part of each others lives for decades to come.
I am going to start with my girl DK, who I am known since we were in the 5th grade. We have so much dirt on each other that it is in our best interest to stay friends, but I am not worried about that!
We hit a rough spot a couple years back where due to issues she was going thru we didn't talk for about 6 months. We pushed through all of the emotions to come out of it on the other side even stronger for it.
This is the girl who was there for most of my firsts~ kisses, boyfriends, driving, etc. I had to attend my first funeral the weekend of my 18th birthday. DK didn't know the girl well, it had been a classmate of mine, but she came and sat next to me at the service. Holding my hand and being my driver as I was so overwhelmed with emotion I couldn't do the little things. She knows when to make me laugh or when to make me cry. Blessed with a fabulous spirit she makes me feel better often just by getting to have a phone chat. Sadly we no longer live minutes away, but hours and hours. We live for the times we can get together and have conversations both serious & silly.
She is on my short list of people I know who would drop everything and come be by my side if I needed it and I love her for that.
My girl D is a friend I made in college. Funny enough I was friends with her boyfriend first, yet when they split she & I stayed close. Yet another dear friend who sadly lives miles & miles away, but we cherish our phone chats & the once a year visits. She can be trusted to give me a fresh perspective on a situation and be blunt as only a dear friend can be. She pulls no punches & I adore this about her!
D is my go-to person for relationship advice as she just seems to get the male/female dynamic so much better than I think I ever will. She is fearless in all the best ways. In the past few years she found the best man for her, settled down and created a beautiful little boy who I adore who calls me Auntie Christmas....isn't that the cutest?
My girl AKS is just my rock. I count on her to tell me the absolute truth about anything & everything. When I first met her I thought we would never be friends and 2 decades later she is part of the people I can't imagine not being in my life. She builds me up in so many ways I don't even think she realizes. I am a stronger better person for her being in my life. At the moment she is going through some major life changes and I can only hope to be able to support her as much as she has for me in the past.
In addition to my 3 besties I am also blessed with some just fabulous friends.
SBell is one of the funniest & most honest girls I have been blessed to meet in recent years. We met in a funny way through people that neither of us have actively in our lives anymore, but thank goodness they introduced us! In my time of living in my little shangri-la beach town she was my girlie sanity in a group of guys. We would do sip & bitch nights on my porch & vent about our lives. Watch Heroes & the Oscar's together while drinking champers and enjoying delish sushi. I hate that she moved away, but am so proud of what she has accomplished!
Then there is my A, whose wedding celebration was my fave party of the year last year. She drove me to the doctor when I had to get my biopsy done. She makes me laugh and loves wine as much if not more than I do! She is like family as her hubby is one of my brother's best friends and I am proud to have her be.
There are even more friends I have made in the past couple years through work and mutual friends that I hope in the years to come will become as dear to me as these ladies.
All of these girls are the family of my heart...I choose to have them in my life and am honored to call each of them my friends! Life is good, I am blessed and I love you girls!!!